Monday, December 11, 2006

Silly boys.

Tyler[bottom] and Perry[top] playing my cello..and it sounded great guys *whispers* heehee.

Friends Forever!

This is me and one of my best friends Gray McCauley.


Friday, December 8, 2006

That's cousins for ya!

This is me and my cousin Laura Miller.
The quote, "did I get a duck on me," happened when we were photo shopping the picture. We were putting rubber ducks in the background when she thought she got one on her face and said those exact words, "did I get a duck on me?"
Turns out it wasn't a duck, but a rose. We added roses after ducks. =D [long story short..I'm on the right, she's on the left, and there is no duck =)]

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

New at this...

I'm new at this.My parents had a major dislike for my beautiful, hardly worked on, myspace profile.That's okay though.I have this now.&& they have this too so it's all good. My Mom and Dad have some pretty sweet pages. Mine isn't that great because I have just started.Well I hope you enjoy this. =)

Jaci Jinks

P.S. The picture is of me and a few friends of mine. I'm in the bright blue shirt with the side ponytail [brown hair]. The others are;Front-right to left:Acacia, Gray, Kayla, Me..Back-right to left:Jackson and Beau[ Jon is taking the picture!]